Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Insurance Claim 151299

The Christadelphinian Insurance Company

Section 1 - Your Details

Date Claim was Filed: 04/08/2010
Date of Accident: 03/08/2010

Insurance Policy Number: IC1666667766522927

Was there a third party involved: Yes
if yes please complete details in section 3

Section 2 - The Claim

What is the nature of your claim? Soul possessed by Demon

Please give us any details that you feel is pertinent to the claim below:

Vomited in young priests face and spoke ancient Latin before feasting on moth wings. Levitated before inexplcably playing bee gee records backwards. Ran naked up the street shouting 'I will eat your soul' before being apprehended by two policeman who I nailed to a cross. I then collected all the frogs (1154) from the pond and created a massive frog scultpure of the post office. Discovered the secret to time travel and told it to deaf and dumb clown from Bulgaria. Booked a plumber for Sunday morning

Do you have a police incident number? Several

What is the Value of your Claim and what was it for? £299.99 Exorcism.

Can you provide evidence such as receipts that this was the genuine cost of remedial action?Yes
Please enclosed evidence, copies will not be accepted.

Section 3

Name of Third Party: Lucifer
Address: Hell
Telephone No.: n/a


  1. hahahaa!!! This is incredible!

  2. I then collected all the frogs (1154) from the pond and created a massive frog scultpure of the post office. PPI help
